Joplin Connect-Secondary
Friday March 7, 2025 12:45pm - 1:30pm CST
The game of gaga, often described as a kinder and gentler version of dodgeball, is gaining popularity on various playgrounds, replacing more traditional games. Parents, educators, camp counselors, and children alike are embracing this trend, viewing the rise of gaga as a positive development. Many refer to gaga as “the great playground equalizer,” as it does not necessitate a powerful throwing arm, speed, or exceptional hand-eye coordination. This inclusivity allows nearly anyone to participate. “It creates a level playing field for everyone—athletes, creative kids, and avid readers alike,” remarked Joe Cortesi, a physical education teacher in Madison, who assisted in establishing two gaga pits at the school this past spring. In this session, we will introduce GAGA Ball, a game suitable for all ages. 
Friday March 7, 2025 12:45pm - 1:30pm CST
Joplin High School

Attendees (1)

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